Cezary Duchnowski
born. 1971 in Elbląg in Polsce
Cezary Duchnowski is a composer, pianist, performer and lecturer. He helped
found the Studio of Computer Composition at the Academy of Music, Wrocław.
He is also a co-founder of the interdisciplinary artistic group "Morphai".
Electroacoustic music has been the focus of his artistic activity for
the past few years. This is connected with the need to interfere deeper
with the sound matter. Hence the use of the computer, an instrument whose
open potential to a large degree helps discover a new aspect of the elementary
properties of music which is not burdened with any extra-musical content.
Apart from composing a specific time-space, the instruments themselves
can be 'composed here. Such a situation allows for an encounter with
the essence of music. It makes it possible to shape its point of departure
which is at the same time its conditio sine qua non - the sound which
is in itself of an individual character. It is the sound which constitutes
the indivisible substance of which the musical being consists. The sound
is, like Leibnitz's monad, a closed cosmos.